CBD FAQs – Are marijuana and hemp the same?
No. Though they are both varieties of cannabis, they are not the same plant. Marijuana plants contain 5% to 20% of delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is the psychoactive cannabinoid that produces the effect of feeling “high.” In contrast, hemp contains 0.3% or less of THC and contains significantly more cannabidiol (CBD) which is a cannabinoid that actually counteracts the psychoactivity of THC and has significant medical benefits.
Can I legally purchase CBD online?
Yes, CBD is legal to purchase online and legal to ship across the United States. The confusion around this topic exists because of the current laws in the U.S. regarding the growth of hemp. Our hemp is legally grown and processed in Colorado. CBD comes fromhemp oil. Processed hemp (like hemp oil, hemp paper, hemp cloth, etc.) is legal in all 50 states. It is not, however, legal to grow hemp in most states. While states cannot ship hempplants across state lines, legal growers can sell and ship processed hemp (like CBD oil) anywhere in the country.
What is a cannabinoid?
A cannabinoid is a unique chemical compound that is found in some plants, such as hemp, and in the human body. The two major cannabinoids that are naturally produced by the human body are anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol. Out of the 85 different cannabinoids in hemp, CBD is the most influential. The human body uses cannabinoids like CBD to protect and heal both the mind and the body. If you would like to learn more about cannabinoids and how our bodies uses them, check out An Introduction to the Endocannabinoid System by American physician Dr. Dustin Sulak. He does a great job of explaining this complex medical topic in a way that is easy to understand.
What are the medical benefits of CBD?
Scientific research suggests that CBD has significant anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, and analgesic (pain relieving) properties. It has been named as a potential treatment for more than 20 different medical conditions including acne, alcoholism, chronic pain, diabetes, depression, epilepsy, fibromyalgia, MS, rheumatism, Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, and other neurological disorders. At Project CBD, you will find an extensive collection of research on the medicinal value of CBD and studies that reflect how it may effectively treat these conditions.
How do you know how much CBD is in your products?
The amount of CBD and trace amounts of THC in Pure Hemp Botanical’s products are first established by the talented chemists over at Advanced Plant Processing. After that, our products are sent to an independent 3rdparty that tests them again to validate the level of cannabinoids. We have set up this redundancy system so that you can have confidence in our labels. When we say that there is 25 mg of CBD in each bag of Hemptealicious, there really is!
I get randomly drug tested at work. Will I test positive on a urine drug test if I drink Hemptealicious tea or take your CBD supplements?
Since THC is the known psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, urine samples are screened for high levels of it during routine drug screenings. The minute amount of THC in Pure Hemp Botanicals’ products (0.3%) is not likely to trigger a positive test result. In rare instances, your urine may result in a false positive. This usually only happens if you are consuming large amounts of cannabinoid-rich hemp products (more than 1000 – 2000 mg daily). As long as you enjoy our CBD rich products in moderation, you are unlikely to fail a drug test. If you would like to do further research, we recommend Leafly’s article Does Using CBD Hemp Oil Result in a Positive Drug Test for THC or Marijuana?
What is the nutritional value of hemp?
Like flax, hemp seeds contain all nine essential amino acids including omega 3 and omega 6 which are necessary for human health. Hemp seeds actually have the ideal ratio of omega fatty acids recommended for a balanced diet: 3 to 1. They are also a complete protein and rich in iron, magnesium, zinc and fiber. The wonderful nutritional value of hemp seeds and hemp oil makes hemp foods and supplements an excellent option for health conscious eaters – and especially vegans – since it is one of the most easily digestible vegetable proteins. Seed Guides and SELF Nutritional Data offer comprehensive information about the nutrients and dietary value of hemp.