HempMeds Overview
HempMeds is a CBD oil distributor and retailer out of California. They were one of the first mainstream distributors of CBD oils in all 50 states. In fact, they were the first company to distribute CBD products in all states and over international borders.
HempMeds created brands such as Dixie Botanicals and Real Scientific Hemp Oil to diversify their CBD product lines. Their products contain full spectrum hemp oils which boast variable cannabinoids in certain products they carry, however they also include products which are completely THC free by isolation of CBD in their processing.
What You Should Know About HempMeds CBD
HempMeds works with 750 family-based farming communities in Europe to provide high-caliber, full spectrum hemp and zero THC CBD products. As they were the pioneers of the CBD movement, they have developed an extensive product line including oils, tinctures, sprays, and even a personal body care and skincare line. Their product price points begin at $45.00. Some of their product offerings include:
Real Scientific Hemp Oil (RSHO) – HempMeds offers a large variety of hemp oils which caters to the personal choice of its user. While this line has dosages as small as 100mg to as large as 1000mg, their offerings don’t stop at just tinctures. The Real Scientific Hemp Oil (RSHO) line can be found in capsules as well.
Their RSCO line is comes in different labels:
- Green Label RSHO: This hemp oil has the closest organic makeup to the hemp used. The Green Label RSHO is not decarboxylated, which provides not only CBDs, but also CBDa’s.
- Blue Label RSHO: This hemp oil is treated differently than the green label as it does go through a decarboxylation step, eliminating CBDa’s. The CBD content found in this label is around 17% per batch.
- Gold Label RSHO: While the Gold Label RSHO goes through the same decarboxylation process as the Blue Label, it also goes through a further filtration to remove the plant’s material such as chlorophyll. This provides a heavier concentration of CBDs, clocking it in at around 24% per batch.
RSHO-X – HempMed’s Real Scientific Hemp Oil also has a separate line called RSHO-X. This line is completely THC free and meets the guidelines as set forth by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).
RSHO Oral Applicator, Varying Formulas – The RSHO formula also comes in a convenient, portable oral applicator. The applicators come in 3, 10, and 15g varieties.
RSHO Hemp Oil Isolate – This RSHO isolate is extracted via CO2 and is then placed in a rigorous proprietary process to filter out various materials, leaving 99% CBDs behind. This product can be used as a tincture or vaped.
Dixie Botanicals Dew Drops, Varying Formulas – Another HempMeds gem, Dixie Botanicals offers a tincture formula in an easy-to-use spray bottle. It comes in various flavors like cinnamon, peppermint, and natural. It is sold with 100mg and 500mg forms, and can be used 1-2 times daily.
Defined Cleanser – While this cleanser contains no parabens or harmful chemicals for your skin, it also comes packed with 10mg of CBD. It works as a deep, anti-aging cleanser that works great for removing stubborn dirt and makeup.
HempMeds Review
HempMeds offers fully organic hemp in their CBD products. Their product offering is larger than most, and they complete triple lab testing on all their products. While they jump started a much larger movement, they care for their product line with precision and high standards.
HempMeds Product Specs
- CBD Oil
- Food Grade
- Available for Wholesale Purchase
- Bulk Discounts Available
- Legal in all 50 United States
- Free Shipping on Orders of $100.00 or More
- Various Concentrations